Monday, September 21, 2015

2015 September 21ˢᵗ. Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka De!


Everyone'd better be having a good day today!   ...Or else.
Today it'll be an anime review yet again. I'm really slacking on reading manga for this.
An NNoAnime post?!


 This time, the anime I'll be grinning at is called Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de, which has quite a few translations that are very different  so I'll go ahead and list them all.
  • Crunchyroll calls the anime When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace
  • Nearly everyone else calls it Inou Battle Within Everyday Life
  • I have heard whispers elsewhere of it being called Inou-Battle in the Usually Daze.*
Since these are so inconsistent, and the last one just sounds awful, I'll just go by the untranslated Japanese name.
*This title, however, more often is referring to the light novel version of this anime.
 Despite the imposing and flashy titles that would make you think of explosions and magic,
And though there are both explosions and magic
the most focused-on and important part of this anime is actually friendship.
-Cough- A.K.A., a harem. -Cough-
This is what you'll be seeing a lot of.
 Surprisingly, even though that style of a plot was entirely not-what-I-had-signed-up-for, I thought the anime was alright. Quite good, even. It was fairly intriguing to watch through, especially with the explosions and whatnot every once in a while to keep my unsophisticated mind entertained.
Oooh, look at the pretty wind.
 I'm sure to someone with different tastes than I it could be an even better time than I would know.
If it sounds like I am being pessimistic about the quality of this, trust me, I don't mean to. I like this anime a lot – it's great.
 If this sounds like an anime you would be interested in, (or even if it doesn't,) you can check it out

Looking for the manga?
Well this one's a bit of a conundrum.
Sadly for those English-speakers,
the manga is not translated.
If you speak Japanese, (or just
want to stare at the pretty drawings,)
You can buy the manga here!

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