Friday, October 2, 2015

2015 October 2ⁿᵈ. Avatar the Last Airbender?!


How is everyone today? Good, right?
Well fine, I didn't want a response anyway.
But besides that, today, we get to look at a show that is more-or-less an anime, although I'd tend towards saying that it is not.
So here, today, is a sub-anime* review!

*Note, sub-anime is not actually subtitled. Also, ha-ha-ha, Mr. Elmore! I'll use .gifs if I want to! 
You lost me.


Now, this is an sub-anime (Let's just call it a sanime for now) that I first watched when I was very young. Back then, it was absolutely great. However, I recently watched it again, and...
It was still great.

What were you expecting? ...To be honest, you were probably still expecting that. It wasn't too big a of plot twist, or anything. But that's beside the point.
Very, very young.
 This sanime is fun, it's silly, it is just fantastic.

Some would consider it overrated, and that also holds truth; this sanime isn't the best thing in the world, either. But it has good memories with me, so the bias is palpable.
So let's get off of the terrible job I am doing of explaining any-and-everything, and go back to the "Sanime" part.
I consider this a sub-anime in that it is not really from Japan (アニメ) but it still carries a similar style.
This show is moreso a cartoon; it was created by a pair of Americans, and aired on the network Nickelodeon. It is also based on a Chinese setting. All of the text in the show is in Chinese hanzi and it follows more along Hinduism and non-Zen Buddhism types of themes.
Furthermore, it has Chinese architecture and names. But I don't really think that I need to prove it's Chinese-ity to you any more than I already have (i.e. far too much).

Some things to consider while watching through this sanime are:
  1. This show was made for children.
  2. This show is, as of the time of this post, 10 years old.
  3. You probably don't need to believe everything you hear about this show; just watch it.
Also, expanding on 1., Avatar was made for children, so it will have puns, no mature language, etc. However, it does have an increased element of maturity in the nature of the final episodes.
Onto point 3., some people love this show to death, and would wish it to be raised to the heavens and venerated. Some people don't feel too much for it. And some people are the usual hipsters; those people who are always trying to hate something much beloved to be different (We all know those people). And some people just plainly dislike it (But don't really say much else). So many theatrical opinions just cloud the actual quality of the show—which, again, I find to be exceptional—and will usually cause just some general augur to it.

Now, as you've been expecting, here is the link on Crunchyroll--
Oh, wait, this show isn't on Crunchyroll. Because it's a sanime and all.

So, you can find it here, on Animehaven.
Here's the show on this strange site, "Legend of Korra TV", and I'm not providing a link on Nick because of its debilitatingly terrible webpage design.

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